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‘Atmospheric electronica, interlaced with industrial beats, dark melodic soundscapes, deep bass laced with moans and eerie voices’
Stellaria Nemorum is taking you on a hypnotic ride.

Stellaria Nemorum
Night Rider
The album Night Rider has developed over a period of a year and a half focusing on capturing and riding the darker subconscious waves of subconscious dreaming out into the light and shaping those into a ever growing reality of one desires the developing and moving energies pushing forward deeper structures and substructures through eerie soundscapes and layered intertwined beats formations. Glowing deep bass moving towards becoming bringing into the light and making it conscious.
‘Atmospheric electronica, interlaced with industrial beats, dark melodic soundscapes, deep bass laced with moans and eerie voices’
Stellaria Nemorum is taking you on a hypnotic ride.’

released November 11, 2019
Detroit Underground (est. 1997) is a multidisciplinary arts collective. Functioning primarily as a record label dedicated to electronic based experimental music and video installation.
The Cover-Artwork is the first of an ongoing series called DU™-GRNBRGR
A Cooperation of Detroit Underground and Christoph Grünberger´s new book “Analog Algorithm – Source-Related Grid Systems”. Selected Graphics are used as Cover-Designs of this exclusive edition of DU™Tapes.
album Night Rider out on Detroit Underground review by Pietro da Sacco on Igloo Magazine:
To quote the release page, “Night Rider is raw with a dark eerie feel to it accompanied by heavy intricate edgy beats, deep bass sounds and melodic soundscapes.” We couldn’t agree more with this assessment as it perfectly captures the essence of Stellaria Nemorum’s album for Detroit Underground—an utterly robust collection of tracks that eclipses the sun with a strange yet binding energy (ref. “In Dreams We Meet”). Elsewhere you’ll find an entangled maze of instrumental electronic deflections as evidenced on the strangely hypnotic “Into The Electric Fields,” a clinical bass-beat rhythm that would be enough to fuel a large rocket. Taking on dark ambient substructures on “Renewal,” Stellaria Nemorum eradicates any preconceived notions of IDM—the broken downtempo flow on this track alone has an otherworldly charm and mechanical composition worth noting. Perhaps a distant cousin to Richard Devine’s arcane post-industrial electronics, “We’re Not Broken” and the title track are baffling if not explosive highlights that ultimately reveal the artist’s ability to create life-like modular structures that are very much alive and punctuated.

Jock Van Vliet The Lake Within The Lake EP review: In the world of flora, Stellaria Nemorum is the name for forest wall. However, the music that Joanna Pavelescu makes under this Latin alias is certainly not for wallflowers.
In fact, the basse and beats on her latest EP “The Lake Within The Lake” would blow any kind of vegetation from the ground.
The titles of both the EP and the tracks give a good indication of what the listener can expect: a pretty surreal, imaginative music trip through time and space. A dark journey full of disturbing creaks and moans and industrial sounds that occasionally start a surprise attack from scratch. With beats that evoke memories of the machine-experimental heyday of Speedy J and sometimes relentlessly grim, distorted bass in the Scorn style.

However dark and heavy the ambiance is, the addition of light, spatial sounds Monolake style are not bombarding/invading the listener.
As an accomplished alchemist, Stellaria Nemorum has managed to find an excellent balance in this, so that you keep on listening. Stylish, the EP really is a well balanced unit.
The remixes are from the Antilounge records, The Hague based label for electronic music. They are from Charly & Gallus (who started it years ago), Olaf Wempe (Stellaria Nemorum’s former partner in crime as the duo WG @ EET) and Foresense, who provides a surprising final chord with jungle beats. They all retain the bass-averse character, but are a little less heavy in terms of atmosphere. Light at the end of the dark sonic tunnel. After which a listener with a cleansed soul and new energy can face everyday life again.
After many years of musical pause, Stellaria Nemorum came back strongly with this extensive EP. Makes you eager to hear more!…/the-lake-within-the-lake

Strontium Dog ( Stellaria Nemorum Remix ) Touched Music (UK)

past performaces
State X New Forms Festival
London film festival
Studio 80
De Vinger
Paard van Troje
ParkPop festival
Greys Space in The Middle
Red Light Radio
Radio Tonka Kipkornah
Sociëteit SEXYLAND
Pulchri Studio
West Gallery